Snickers passed his Canine Good Citizen test today. Yay Snickers!!! We went to the My Dog Loves Central Park Country Fair with our NYC Shiba Inu Meetup group today. He was scheduled to take the CGC test on October 24th but they were doing testing in the park and I thought “what the heck! we’ll take it and fail and know what we need to work on.” So we did, and HE PASSED!!!
The one part I thought he might not pass was the “supervised separation” where I have to leave him alone with the evaluator for THREE MINUTES. Yikes! We have a hand signal for “be right back” though, so I told him to sit (so I’d have his attention, but didn’t tell him to stay) and then I told him I’d be right back and walked off where he couldn’t see me. I think I was fretting more than he was for that 3 minutes. The evaluator said he whimpered when I left but not loudly and he didn’t get anxious or pull on the leash or anything, so he passed.
If you want you can see the ten components of the Canine Good Citizen test on the AKC’s website.
Oh, I have to cancel our appointment for the 24th. Hee hee! 🙂
woohoo Congrats Snick!!!
Yay! Congratulations to Snickers!
Make sure you let Sandy know!!!!!! Way to go Snick!!!!!!!!!
A HUGE accomplishment! Not to be held lightly as all those who are owned by a Shiba! Congrats!