Snickers loves to KILL toys with noise boxes, but look what your dog could eat if you let them destuff unsupervised! Very dangerous if chewed or swallowed.
Snickers, a.k.a. Snick the Dog, a.k.a. Kawakirei BNT Sweet 'N Nutty, was a black and tan Shiba Inu. Born Thanksgiving Day, 2003, in upstate New York, Snick was a sweet puppy from the very beginning.
His breeder, Sandra Krupski, chose him for us because he was "the kissiest" boy in the litter. She later wrote "Snickers was a big puppy when born and he loved to eat and looked like it. Because he was so bottom heavy
Snick's pedigree provided a solid foundation for his wonderful temperament. Ongoing training and socialization built on that foundation. Although he was a Shiba Inu - often known for being snarky with other dogs and antisocial towards humans outside their inner circle - he was always a very social dog.
Snick spent the first five years of his life in Manhattan, living the charmed life of an active city dog. He went to meetups and training classes, played with his pals at the dog run every day, took long walks all over the city, partied hard at doggy daycare, had an awesome dog walker, visited a school to teach kids about doggies, went to restaurants and bars, and even went to work at an investment bank every Friday.
We moved out of Manhattan in the summer of 2008. Snick spent 7 months in rural Indiana, a little over a year in Jersey City, NJ, and then moved to Mississippi for five years. Snick went to work with Jenna most days, spent Friday nights with his human grandparents, worked as a therapy dog, and had several foster brothers and sisters while living in Mississippi, but he missed the city life (mostly the long walks). Shortly before he turned 12, we moved to Philadelphia. He spent his last 6 years happily living the urban doggy life.
Jan 31, 2004: | Nine week old Snickers moved from upstate NY to Hell's Kitchen, NYC to start the process of changing Jenna's life. |
June 2006: | Snickers had so much fun with his two neighborhood Shiba friends, that he started a Shiba Inu meetup group in NYC to make NEW Shiba friends! |
July 2006: | Snick's blog was named in Urban Hound's first "The 10 top reasons why New York City is great (for dogs)," list. |
September 2006: | Snickers appeared in Urban Hund's fall catalog. |
October 2006: | Snick passed his Canine Good Citizen test. |
March 2007: | Snickers appeared in Time Out New York, promoting the first Canine Cocktail Pawty fund raiser for Animal Haven Shelter in NYC |
March 2007: | Snick and his friends from the meetup group convinced some humans to found NYC Shiba Rescue. |
September 2007 | Snick and his buddies Benno & Lily represented Shibas at the AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day event in Madison Square Park, NYC. This was Snick's first big public event (with many more to come). |
October 2007: | Snickers became a foster brother for NYCSR, hosting his first temporary Shiba sister. |
April 2008: | Jenna & Snickers became registered Delta Society Pet Partners. (This means he is a "therapy dog.") |
May 2008: | Snickers started visiting classrooms at The Gillen Brewer School in New York City as part of their humane education program. This was Snick's favorite job to date, only ending because he moved to Indianapolis in August 2008. |
October 2008: | Snickers appeared as the featured Shiba in WoofPatrol.com's Shiba Inu breed profile. |
December 2008: | We started weekly visits with participants of the Easter Seals Adult Day Services program in Indianapolis. This was harder for Snickers than visiting with kids, but fun also and a great learning experience. |
March 2009: | Snick moved to Jersey City, NJ. We hoped to start school visits again but weren't able to find a local program. We dreamed up the idea for Animals Who Educate. |
October 2009: | Snick enjoyed putting his ambassadorial skills to use meeting thousands of people when Jenna & Snickers coordinated the Shiba Inu booth at the first ever AKC Meet the Breeds event held in NYC. |
March 2010: | Snick and a few of his Twitter pals, founded The Anipal Times, a daily online newspaper for animals and animal lovers. |
May 2010: | Snick moved again, this time to Tupelo, MS. |
August 2010: | Snick enjoyed reading the first ever PRINT edition of The Anipal Times. |
August 2010: | Jenna & Snickers joined Comfort Creatures in Tupelo. |
March 2011: | Snickers met his future fiancée, Emmie the Superdog, while she was walking across the country with her dad to raise money for military families. |
June 2011: | Snick threw a birthday pawty for Emmie in NYC which raised money for charity (and was a perfect excuse to go home to visit old friends.) |
2012: | Snickers decided it was time to retire from his work as a therapy dog. |
November 2015: | Snick was delighted to move back up north to big city life (AND SNOW). |
September 2021: | Snick's light left this world and left Jenna in pieces. |
 The blog entries below chronicle Snick's life and the effect he has had on my life and the world around us. And, although we stopped blogging on this site in 2014, we kept posting on his facebook page.
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
hi peeples, snickers here! this my second time to participate in my furriend cokie the cat’s anipal photo hunt. this week the subject is “my second job” meaning the job AFTER taking care of our peeples. after taking care of mom and girl, my job is helping educate people about responsible ownership of companion animals […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Snickers has turned into such a snuggler this past year or so. Here’s the proof. (That’s my leg that his paw is draped across.) A lot has happened since my last post, but most importantly, we’ve moved (again). We’re all settled into our new apartment and routine in Mississippi, so hopefully I’ll be blogging more […]
Jenna Gates
I haven’t written a real post for awhile. I’ve been focusing more on making time for “walkies and snuggling” with Snick when I’m not at work or working on the various projects (Shiba rescue, crazy Twitter projects, meetups, etc.) that he gets me involved in. I still want this site to be a place to […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
In August, Snickers tried lure coursing for the first time and LOVED IT. I immediately (literally, within minutes of his first three runs) started searching and emailing to find a way to get involved in lure coursing. I got really lucky. My first email was to the American Sighthound Field Association regional director for this […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Snickers and I spent last weekend at Fido’s Festival in Woodstown, NJ. We were there with NYC Shiba Rescue to talk to people about Shiba Inus, Shiba rescue in particular, purebred rescue in general and responsible dog ownership. I really enjoy working at these events. Not only do I get to talk to people about […]
Jenna Gates
I’ve been personally involved with the lives of many rescued Shiba Inus since founding NYC Shiba Rescue two years ago and I’ve felt varying amounts of affection for each and every one of them. Every dog is an individual (just like people) and there’s almost always something lovable about each of them (maybe not so […]
hi peeples, snickers here! it has been awhile since i dictated a post for the blog (although i am always talking away over on twitter). i asked my tweeps recently what i should blog about and friend-to-all-nyc-shibas, @roxyturtle, asked "what do you do while Mom is gone for the day? Does your Mom do anything […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
This morning one of Snick’s "anipals" (that’s what the animals on Twitter call themselves), who also happens to be a Shiba puppy, asked: @Snick_the_Dog what did your parents do to help you get over your nipping and teething phase? This was not a question that Snickers or I could answer in 140 characters or less […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
I’ve fallen behind on my regular pace of posting for Jenna & Snickers (.com). It’s partly the holidays (don’t we all love to blame stuff on those?!?). Plus, Snick and I have just been busy! Wednesday, we went to the Crossroads Easter Seals Adult Day Program to meet the volunteer coordinator and visit with their […]
Hi all, today was my fifth birthday. mom made a big deal of it. she said something about five being special. also, there’s thing day called Thanksgiving where the people eat together. the day I was born was Thanksgiving and this year it was Thanksgiving again. (I have no idea why it isn’t that way […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
OMG, these are the cutest squirrels you can imagine. Unfortunately Snickers thinks they look incredibly tasty. If I am not VERY careful he is going to break one of my fingers and/or get away from me when he sees one of these cuties dashing across the park. Debbie clicked this photo with her phone when […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
I learned what could have been a devastatingly difficult lesson this morning. Snick’s leash broke while we were out for our morning walk. He was running at the time (he does this weird “run away from it” thing after he poops) and the end hardware attached to his collar just POPPED out of the hardware […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Snickers and I pupsat a couple of our buddies – Benno & Lily – this weekend. Snickers and Lily are in LUV. I got a couple quick videos of them playing together tonight. Having the three of them in the apartment all weekend has been great, although walking them all together is often challenging! There’s […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Snickers Then And Now He’s all grown up and he’s my "heart dog." I never would have guessed that the silly, squiggly, mouthy puppy we brought home back in January 2003 would grow up into such a confident, wonderful adult. He is so self-assured and so loving. He’s reserved with most folks outside the pack, […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Tonight, Snickers got to do something only country dogs usually get to do. He trotted proudly home with a prize held carefully between his teeth. He didn’t exactly hunt this down and kill it, but he certainly proved himself to be capable of procurring dinner. We were outside for our bedtime walk. As we were […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
I know my Shiba readers will understand. He’s not spoiled. He’s just, um, well loved. First, this is Snick enjoying the king size Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed while we were away for the holidays. Second, this is the recipe for Snick’s food. I’m not exactly sure what it says about me that the ONLY time […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
OK, my DOG has play dates. My daughter didn’t go on play dates… well, not until she was old enough to arrange them herself! I’m not sure how this happened; Snickers and his doggie pals are obviously colluding to influence our behavior. And they say Shibas aren’t social! The picture on the left is Snickers […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates