I’m telling you, Shibas know how to party and it involves a lot of running and a lot of eating. Canine Cocktail Pawty #2 had both and was therefore a big hit. The running is a given when you put a bunch of doggies together in the huge event space at Animal Haven and the doggie eats were DIVINE (according to the masses of dogs surrounding the table anyway) and were provided – as was this photo – by Culinary Crossing.

Stay tuned. Pawty #3 is already in the works for the fall!
THAT is a great photo!
Congrats on another successful shindig. 🙂
AHAHAHAH I love that picture!!! Glad to hear you had another success!
That photo IS great! I think it definitely goes in the Snick gallery…. actually the caterer should use it for an advertisement!!
Hah! Awesome photo – and wow, but the doggie snackies look wonderful!
Ooooh, you New Yorkers know how to Pawty! Muah! Chihuahua kisses!
~ ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne
He is gorgeous! What a great picture.