Julie, who writes The Misanthropic Shiba, has had a site about Shibas for a long time. It was one of the sites I read when researching the breed before buying Snickers years ago. Over the years it has evolved into a fancy (in a good way) site with a lot of information – a real Shiba resource – but there will never be anything quite like her original breed description, aka RANT.
Today, Julie retrieved the text of her original page and re-posted it on the new site. Take a look at The ORIGINAL Misanthropic Shiba (and then wander around the rest of the new and improved site. It’s pretty good too! 🙂
We’re Shassi and Tierce and we approve this message! 😀
🙂 🙂
as cheese is provided to every shiba
OMG I am so glad the original will be easier to find. It is still my all time favorite!