A few days ago, I got an email from a shelter about an old Shiba Inu. At the time, NYC Shiba Rescue was already in the process of helping arrange transport for two or three other old Shibas in shelters, so my first thought was “surely this isn’t another older Shiba needing a home.” But, yep, it was, and this guy is particularly in need of rescue’s help because he can’t be made available for adoption by the public. He’s dying. Renal failure. 🙁 His kidneys are failing, he has Lyme disease, some dental disease and corneal scarring. Apparently he’s so sweet and cute though, that the shelter workers can’t bear the thought of putting him to sleep. They want to release him to NYCSR for hospice care.
Weatherbee only weighs about 15 pounds. According to the shelter, he sleeps most of the day. He walks a bit, but slowly. They say he eats pretty well. His vision is bad. He was found as a stray. I can’t fathom how a dog in that condition ends up stray. *sigh*
Who will love this sweet, old boy in his last days? Will you be the one to give him a soft, warm place to sleep, healthy food and snuggles? Who will stroke his face in his last minutes and let him know he was loved and cherished?
I’ve already told NYCSR that I will take him if necessary, but I hope I won’t have to. That would mean a 1,000 mile transport for this little guy. Plus, I’m really not sure either my or my daughter’s hearts can handle the pain of loving and losing another old soul so soon after losing our sweet Brandy.
Is there someone out there with love and compassion for Weatherbee?
If you can be that person, please let me know.
Where is Weatherbee located? We are fostering one of the seniors right now, Rudy. He sounds a lot like Weatherbee.
Weatherbee is currently in a shelter in Pennsylvania.
If I was not so far away I would take this boy in a heartbeat! I love the old shibas. they have no idea what is happening to them. the sadness in thier eyes just kills me.
Surely Someone who is a breeder in PA can take this dog for the short time he has left????
damn… well when the time comes to transport we’re in.
my townhouse might burst open with fur if we took in another… but how can anyone deny Weatherbee a comfy bed, good food and some love in his golden years? Ugh.. my head is fighting with my heart.
Stop the presses… it looks like we have a home for Weatherbee! One of Snick’s facebook fans has offered to take him. She’s filling out an adoption application right now and it’s looking good! We’ve actually had TWO offers, so if for some reason one doesn’t work out, we have the other!
I’m glad he might have a home. He looks like an amazing shiba inu sad this has happened to him, but it’ll be great for him to have a loving home to live out his days.
I think I am crying more that so many have offered to take him in. I am in California, and of no help except to give my prayers to the family taking him and to Watherbee for a happy, loving end to his life. Kisses to you Weatherbee.
I was tempted even though my life is crazy complicated! Thankfully for the other applicants or else by just reading your post I was persuaded 🙂 He looks really sweet..
Oh Jeanna, that is great news! Keeping fingers and paws crossed that all will work out in the end!
Please let us know if he gets a home for sure.
it iz offishul. thanks to the efforts of nyc shiba rescue, weatherbee will be leaving the shelter tomorrow and going to live with my facebook friend Nancy!! yay!
i will make sure mom posts photos from his transport tomorrow and also pics in his new home. thanks efurryone for caring about weatherbee!!
Glad to hear that Weatherbee is getting a new home! This is really great.
Meanwhile, some other folks are working to get “Foxy” out of a shelter in FL to a rescue. Here is a link to story on Foxy from the Misanthropic Shiba site:
People are looking out for Shibas!
Weatherbee is home with his new mom and she’s already posting video on facebook of him exploring the yard!
I also heard earlier today that the Shiba in Florida has already been pulled from the shelter and taken directly to a vet’s office
we’re very happy for weatherbee. we were so happy that the shiba in FL got pulled and went to the vet. we let out a sigh of relief. his pictures makes us sad and we wish he could come stay with us. we hope he gets better soon!
– kuma & hiro