Wolf is a sesame colored, male, Shiba Inu. He was born on August 18, 2000, and he came to live with my blog-friend Janet in the fall of 2001. I asked Janet to talk to me about how Wolf came into her life, Wolf’s personality, and why he stands out as her "heart dog."

There’s just something about Wolf…I don’t know if I can define it. My friends joke and say I only have one dog (I have two, Max is my other dog) because I talk about Wolf so much. I love Max, too, but…there’s something about Wolf! He makes me smile with his antics, he is a bit standoffish (like me), and he’s gorgeous. He gives me unconditional love (well, as long as I feed him *smile*) and he gives me a reason to get out and walk every day, even when I was going through cancer treatment and didn’t really feel like it.
He makes me proud sometimes, too; one day we were at a craft fair, sitting on a stone wall, just watching the crowd go by. A little boy came over, stared at Wolf and asked if he could pet him. I said sure, and he did, very tentatively. Wolf accepted the attention (as is his due) and the boy sat there very quietly with his hand on Wolf. His parents turned around, saw this and came over. They quietly told me that this boy had been attacked by a dog and was very afraid of them, that this was the first time he’d touched one or gone near one since the attack.
Shibas, as we all know who own them, are not a dog for everyone. But he’s perfect for me.
that first picture is so perfect of him LOL! Thanks, Jenna 🙂
He is a very different dog. He loves me, and will come and sit next to me and press into me. He’ll allow me to put my arm around him, and we have a good time together!
PS: I’m Janet’s cousin, so I am only a little partial! 😉
The story about the little boy is awesome. Wolf clearly knows he has a good thing with you 🙂