It took months for me to finally decide I had to write this post.
My family/business obligations have become such that I can’t do them justice and also pour my energy into growing a national non-profit organization. One thing (of many) that I learned from starting NYC Shiba Rescue seven years ago is that it takes a TEAM to start and run a successful organization. Over the past few years a few people have offered to help with Animals Who Educate only to then disappear without following up. I still believe in A.W.E. and plan to make it happen, but not right now. Right now, I have to focus on running my family’s business. Someday, when I have a less demanding “real job” or can work for A.W.E. full time, I will resurrect the plan, put together a team, and make it happen.
For now, I will be focusing whatever time I can spare from work on my NYCSR obligations and also on completing the Doggies Helping Veterans project. I may or may not have time to blog here, but I hope you’ll stay subscribed just in case I do!
Understood. Your heart is with helping animals. I am sure this will continue to be your passion, and when the time is right you will return to this aspect of it or put your focus in a different animal assisting endeavour. You rock, Jenna.
Life sometimes gets in the way of allowing us to do things we feel are so important. You have your plate full of worthy activities, and this one will return when the time is right. Thank you for what you do – do,. Take care.
I totally understand where you are in life, and knowing you through the last seven? Eight? years, I know that when you can focus on this- you will! And by then, I hope that I will also be in a better place of flexibility where I can help! 🙂