Shibas can be difficult to train, aren’t recommended for first time dog owners, are too smart for traditional dog training methods, and they bore easily. So, how do you train a Shiba Inu? You think of it as a partnership. And bring cheese.
Lil Bee Has It Made Now
Loose Dogs Keep Ruining Our Walks!
Anipal Photo Hunt #7: Hey! That’s Not Me!
Who Will Love Weatherbee In His Last Days?
It’s 10pm. Do you know where your dog is?
I believe there are minimum requirements that our companion animals deserve. Recently I’ve come to know a few dogs who aren’t getting a few of them and it makes me sad. They are: to not live an isolated life a clean and comfortable living environment proper socialization with people and other dogs appropriate levels of […]
My Snuggly Inu
Snickers has turned into such a snuggler this past year or so. Here’s the proof. (That’s my leg that his paw is draped across.) A lot has happened since my last post, but most importantly, we’ve moved (again). We’re all settled into our new apartment and routine in Mississippi, so hopefully I’ll be blogging more […]
R.I.P. Ms. Brandywine (~Sept 1993 to May 17, 2010)
Brandy Is Not Well
This is a quick and dirty blog post, but I thought it would be easier to point everyone towards one post instead of writing and rewriting what’s going on into a bunch of different emails, postings, etc. Despite her age (16 1/2), Brandy has been very bouncy and energetic on walks since we adopted her. […]
The One Where I Apologize and Ramble
I haven’t written a real post for awhile. I’ve been focusing more on making time for “walkies and snuggling” with Snick when I’m not at work or working on the various projects (Shiba rescue, crazy Twitter projects, meetups, etc.) that he gets me involved in. I still want this site to be a place to […]