This is the story of Kayla, a dog who went from dog fight bait, to homeless NYC street dog, to almost being euthanized in Miami Dade Animal Services, but eventually ended up living happily-ever-after on the Jersey Shore.
When most people think of "rescue," they think of shelters and all-breed rescue groups, both of which save as many animals as they can - both mixed and pure breed. Often, when a person wants a particular breed of dog instead of a mix, they automatically turn to a breeder or a pet store, not realizing there is another option. Purebred rescue groups tend to be run by people with a passion for, and in-depth knowledge of, a specific breed. These groups can provide expertise and assistance to anyone seeking a dog of a particular breed, but many people don't even know they exist.
These posts are about rescue in general and my experiences starting and working in a purebred rescue group.
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
This is a question for anyone successfully involved in rescuing animals, regardless of animal type and whether working with a rescue group, with a shelter or independently. If someone asked you to give a speech or write a blog post or write a book about how to start doing what you do, plus some key […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates
WSBTV in Atlanta aired the following expose’ regarding the Humane Society of the United States. Apparently, they’ve removed it from their website after pressure from HSUS and they’ve posted a clarification. Note the clarification only addresses one small piece of the story. Apparently, the rest of the story stands.
Jenna Gates
One thing that took me by surprise when I founded NYC Shiba Rescue, was how often people would ask me "What’s wrong with Shibas? Why do they need to be rescued?" At every event Snickers and I attended representing NYCSR, numerous people would ask this! What’s wrong with them? I didn’t even understand the question […]
Jenna Gates
We’ve now been accused of scamming people to make money on their dogs. About a week ago, I received the following email. (Please forgive the horrid spelling and grammar. I’m posting it all as I received it.) I just received a six month old Shiba Ina from a Ohio breeder last Thursday. The dog will […]
Jenna Gates
Jenna Gates