Someday, when I have a less demanding “real job” or can work for A.W.E. full time, I will resurrect the plan, put together a team, and make it happen.
Humane Education
Snickers and I take the opportunity to educate the public about responsible dog ownership and empathy for animals wherever we go. We participate in public events, spending time educating people one-on-one regarding companion animal over population, rescue and responsible dog ownership. (We were able to do this much more before leaving NYC.) As registered Delta Society Pet Partners, we visited schools together and participated in Humane Education programs. I utilize the web and talk to people in my day-to-day life about the responsible acquisition and thoughtful care of companion animals, including the plight of pets in shelters and what can be done about it.
Learning and Organizing for Animals Who Educate
Children & Pets: How Animals Can Help Reduce Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
Few children who harm animals grow up to be serial killers, but many do grow up to abuse their intimate partners and their children. Stopping abuse towards animals is a worthy activity in and of itself. But if we teach children early to be compassionate towards animals, we can also help to reduce domestic violence and child abuse in the human community.
Discussion: Challenges Facing Animals Who Educate
Delta Society and Snick the Dog
Championing Humane Education
I’ve been spending all my “free” time (of which there is very little) working on the restructuring plan for NYC Shiba Rescue and recruiting volunteers to fill the new positions. Snick and I manage to post tidbits on twitter and facebook occasionally, but finding time to write a whole blog post has been difficult. One […]